Love People
They Leave…
Love & Friendship quotes
Finally she learnt to differentiate
He Didn't and He Couldn't!
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
"His lips accompanied in all the lies
His eyes betrayed"
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
Some houses
Some roads
Some cities
Are much more than
Construction of concrete and cement.
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
She stopped chasing the moment she realised
That her search ends within.
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
When you need someone and
He cannot find time to be with you,
Be sure you are with the
Wrong Person!
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
Walking out of the situation may not be
The best solution;
But at times this is the only choice
We are left with!
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
The day I realized I am my only AUTHORITY
I took back all the rights
Which I earlier reserved Just with him!
– Pooja Sharma (Unboxthelife)
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