Standing beside the window of my room, I am looking at the same moon which we once watched together sitting on the banks of river Ganges. It was a full moon night and undoubtedly the full moon gives special effect to the whole surroundings and makes us feel vibrant too; everything appeared to be glowing in the whiteness and purity of moon accompanied by the star studded sky. Feeling the high tides deep inside in the presence of moon was really a breathtaking experience which gives me goose bumps even today also. I wished as if time stops and I would remain there till my last breath.
It’s been a year we haven’t met or seen each other, but the full moon has taken me in a flash back of my sweet memories, a treasure for me now; which I once wished to live forever. Sahil and I met in an official training in Rishikesh. He was a very simple and decent man with a magnetic personality; one cannot just resist talking to him. In spite of being a self-driven and confident lady I was not at ease in mixing with people, especially when it comes to personal interactions. So we started with small formal introduction which somehow ended up in long hour’s conversation and very soon we realized that we shared the same ideology towards life and were at ease in each other’s company.
We started spending time together; may it be small tea breaks or bigger lunch breaks or the evenings after the training sessions. At times we visited some places nearby, but most of the times we preferred to sit on the banks of Ganges. It was an astounding experience to see the water hoping over the rocks happily and sometimes splashing over our bodies making us feel soaked completely. Starting from our personal, family and professional life there was no such part of life which was left unshared between us.
It’s not that we weren’t happy in our lives, we had a successful career, a happy family, everything one could desire for; still we felt that when we were together we were in a blissful state of existence in which there was no expectations, no conditions, no pretenses and no masks. We both were feeling certain emotions, which we never felt earlier, perhaps that brought us closer to each other. Each cell of our body started responding to our thoughts, emotions and feelings naturally making us feel alive. And the same world in which we used to live seem to be different and much more a beautiful place… as if our eyes are able to see more beauty than earlier and our ears are able to hear the music of life more intensely.
We felt that we had lived five years in these five days but our heart was feeling as if it was like a drop in an ocean. I wished that training would continue for more days, which was again like asking a pig to fly. And that was the day when I realized that time really flies when we get absorbed into it and start living in each moment. By the time we waved final good bye to each other, we already had a strong bond between us and the relation which we shared was really out of the world. Though we never wanted to spoil the purity and innocence of this relation by giving it a name or tagline. However that was the day, when somewhere deep within our selves we both got the true understanding of the word SOULMATES!
13 thoughts on “Hearts Chained By Soul!”
Thanks a lot for sparing your time and reading the blog and appreciating it! It really means a lot!
Very nice..I luv the way you pen down ur thoughts so beautifully..
Thanks a lot. Your words of appreciation means a lot especially for a budding writer!
Very nice..I luv the way you pen down ur thoughts so beautifully..
I read it.
It’s beautiful.
And made me to sign up as well mam ☺️
Thanks a lot Karan!
Awesome Pooja
Thank you so much!
U r too good dear. This is really good. Plz keep writing more for us . 🖒
Thanks a lot Shrinkhla for your words of appreciation.
v heart touching! words fall short to appreciate the way u have penned your feelings. great work mam
Thanks a lot Priyanka for your appreciation!